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2014年4月 加藤健一事務所公演



[作]山谷典子  [演出]小笠原 響

[出演]加藤健一 山崎清介 加藤義宗 坂本岳大 倉本徹 高野絹也 加藤忍 日下由美 伊東由美子 春 芳 水戸亜耶

2012年5月 劇団文学座有志




Length: 100 mins Persons: Male 4 Female 4

Production Record: 2011, 2012 (Kwangju Drama Festival for Peace in Korea)

There was a cherry tree in the courtyard of a girls’ school in Tokyo. An old man appeared, looking for the score of “The Blue Danube Waltz” which he had buried under the cherry tree when he was a boy as it was dangerous to study it during World War II. The play shows what has changed and what has not changed. 

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